Sunday, August 21, 2011

Gawai Dayak Do The DAP Way

3 June 2011 Sarawak Update

Kuching: With most Gawai celebration done in a big way in longhouses, Pending State Assemblywoman, Violet Yong celebrate her Gawai with villagers of Jalan Selangan Batu, Off Jalan Tun Razak with vegetarian food this afternoon.

A squatter area which was in existence for over 40 years, the 150 villagers of mixed race attended the drizzling Gawai do, some with their umbrellas opened.

Violet said besides celebrating Gawai with the Dayak villagers, she also wanted to thank the villagers for their support in the recent concluded election.

She called to the government to give the title to the squatters there as the place was already installed with electricity and water.

Dr. Tang Sie Hing who was also one of the invited guests to speak told the people to treat him and the people’s representatives as servants., much to amusement of those in attendents.

Giving an insight of his life as a doctor, Tang said he was queried by colleagues and friends almost daily of how he handle being in the ‘opposition’ camp after joining the DAP some three weeks ago.

Tang said life has been more meaningful as he gave his service not as a doctor but servicing the people through other means.

He said in the middle of the night, he did not receive only calls from patients but also Chong who was travelling and asked him to attend to the woes of the people.

“I have always been your servant. When I am a doctor, patients both rich and poor are my ‘boss’. As a politician now, I am more of a ‘servant’ as all the people are my boss. And as a citizen of Sarawak, I am, too a servant of our Chief Minister and as a Malaysian, I am a servant of the Prime Minister,” he said.

Tang said however, if the government is not transparent or clean, the people who are the ‘boss’ have the right to vote in the person they see fit to run the country in a fair manner to all, regardless of races or religions. "Bad Bosses', he added, can be changed by the power of the people through voting.

“The power of voting is in your hand. Stand up to your rights. I am not asking you to do something aggressive to take over the government but we must do so peacefully in our rights as a voter,” he added.

Come parliament election, Tang called to the people to cast their votes wisely as the choice of the type of government they wanted lies in their hands.

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